March 29, 2017

zoo fun, spring 2017.


Since the kids are on Spring Break and since today was the only day without rain in the forecast, Jeremy took the day off so we could all go to the zoo together. Which was apparently a brilliant idea! Because everyone else in the Birmingham-metro area had the same idea. But we went with it, parked a million miles away from the entrance and enjoyed the morning. We even got to see the new jaguar, Khan in all of his beauty. Also? For some reason I thought jaguars were a bit smaller and sleeker, like cougars, I suppose? But they aren't. They're big. Not as big as a tiger, but still big. And did I mention beautiful? Because wow.

The kids all did so well at the zoo. And they were so aware of other people walking around, and I'm proud of the way they behave in public places like this. Know why I'm SO aware that our kids are being awesome? Because everyone else isn't. I ran over a couple of kids because they literally walked right in front of a moving double stroller. When our kiddos stopped to look at something, they made sure they weren't blocking a walkway. I really could not have been more proud of them today. (Please note: This isn't always the case. Target is another story, but we're working on it.)

And I don't even want to talk about those photos of Tatum and Jeremy together. Because they made me all melty. No worries, I'm just a puddle of goo over here 😍

March 26, 2017

outside fun.


Since I started doing my 365 project, I've found that I'm blogging less and less. I guess because I feel like y'all are already such a big part of my life through those photos? Maybe? Makes a little sense. And I'm not one for redundancy.

But... sometimes I'm snapping photos of my kiddos and there are too many to choose just one for my 365 project. Like today. Cayden's expressions while playing in the driveway were just perfection and I needed to share more than one photo. And I haven't been over in this area in over a month and I just didn't want to neglect it anymore.

So please enjoy our almost eight year old and his face. That last photo? I see a small hint of child left in those cheeks and that face. I know that's quickly fading; I feel like he'll be taller than us all too soon. And y'all, fall in love with those freckles on his nose. Because freckles on a cute kid's nose? The best.
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