June 24, 2009

rice krispie goodness

i totally blame our neighbors for this one. when we got home from the hospital, our neighbors brought over some treats. those treats included rice krispie treats. seriously - the best rice krispie treats i've ever had.

then jeremy dog-sat for them (well, he went and let the dogs out to go potty - no biggie). and more rice krispie treats were brought over for that. still, the best treats i've had.

and then i realized that i've never actually made any. so i'm now on to my second batch. they still don't match the neighbors, but they're good and extra gooey. and we're slightly obsessed with them at our house at the moment. hopefully we'll get burned out on them soon as i don't think my waistline is profiting from them... but, in the meantime, we'll just enjoy them while we can.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, Rice Krispie Treats… how I miss thee! Love the textural shots. (laughs)

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