July 13, 2012

sawyer's first birthday party


we had sawyer's first birthday party almost two weeks ago. y'all, i'm so behind on photo editing that it's not even funny. i still haven't sat down and gone through our beach vacation photos. one day. maybe this weekend?

either way, we had a great time at sawyer's birthday party. we had a bit of a sock monkey theme going on. mostly using the colors for decorations (red, brown and white) and i made sock monkeys as favors for all the kids. (as a side note, i find cayden's sock monkey in all sorts of places. he loves it!) we had hot dogs, baked beans and chips. and for desserts there were cupcakes, oreo truffles, banana pudding and cookies.

sawyer got a ton of lovely gifts and i was amazed that no one brought the same thing, or brought something that we already had with cayden. i'd say that's pretty impressive. sawyer has some special people that love him, that's for sure.

and little dude? he ate that cake like a pro. like he'd had cake every day of his life and this wasn't the first time he'd had anything like that. looking back, jeremy and i are both kicking ourselves for not filming that little scene. it. was. awesome. a quick bath to clean the boy up and he was ready to hang out with all his friends and family.

first birthdays are always so bittersweet. we had a wonderful time, and even though we had 103ยบ weather that day, we all enjoyed it. from the inside of the house with the AC blasting. thanks friends and family for coming. we love you all!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)gmail.com

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