August 4, 2009

sleepy head

poor thing. we're having our first bout of sickness at the allen household. cayden's had a rough case of diarrhea the last few days. and last night and today, we've added throwing up to the mix. it sucks cause the doctor says all we can do is to let it run its course. apparently two and a half months old is simply not old enough for any medicine of any kind. my biggest fear is that he'll get dehydrated and we'll end up at the er. we're keeping our fingers crossed that that doesn't happen. i came home at one today to be with him. i couldn't stand the thought of him being sick at daycare and not being able to be with him. (not to mention the fact that he probably would've been sent home anyway.) just keep us in your thoughts that he gets better soon. this new mommy's not handling it so well...

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