April 25, 2011

easter, bunnies, bubbles & more


easter started out with a visit from the easter bunny. and unlike last year, cayden kind of got what was going on! even more fun for me and jeremy! the easter bunny left a trail of plastic eggs filled with a quarter each (cayden scored a whole $1.75!) from cayden's door to his easter basket. cayden picked up each egg and shook it... and as we got to another egg, he realized he was out of hands and would excitedly pass them off to me to go get another egg. and me? i just had this stupid huge grin on my face the entire time.


after cayden explored his new things for a bit, we got dressed and made our way towards jasper to enjoy easter service with jeremy's family. oh, and i should mention at this point that cayden woke with a slight fever, but with a little love and ibuprofen, he seemed to be ok. since the drive to jasper takes around an hour, he was able to sleep on the way and only managed to be slightly grumpy when we got there.

Being Silly

when church was over, we went back to granna and poppa's house to enjoy a fun cook-out for easter lunch. while lunch cooked, we took the opportunity to take some photos outside since the day was gorgeous. some ginormous bubbles were blown and fun was had.

Bubble Dancing

lunch was ready after a while and grumpy cayden was back. we quickly realized his skin was on fire. much worse than the slight fever he woke with. we wrapped things up with granna and poppa and headed on our way home. we got about two miles from their house before we heard puking from the back seat. since we were experts on side-of-the-road clean-up, i took to cleaning cayden up while jeremy attacked the car seat. and wow, toddler puke? so much worse than little infant puke. wow.

30 Weeks

we made it the rest of the way home without incident (thank goodness). took his temperature (102) and decided a cool bath and more ibuprofen were in order. poor kiddo. still dealing with a fever and now runny diapers. and i swear it's still his two year molars that are causing all this trouble. it seems like they've been trying to cut through for-ev-er. gah! here's hoping that cut through soon and this fever mess goes away soon!

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