May 5, 2011

in just 15 short days...

Cayden Invitation

... our little nugget is going to be two. TWO! it's bizarre what happens to time when one has a child. seriously. i never imagined that one day cayden would be this little bundle of newborn-ness and bam! he's walking, talking, running, making sentences and just generally into everything. just yesterday we were having to help him with everything. and now? mr. independence can do most things on his own... except when he can't. and then he'll ask us "pweas help."

::heart? melted::

i had no idea what joy an itty bitty could bring to our lives. and in just a little over a month and a half we'll be adding another itty bitty to our family. sigh. it's just so. completely. awesome.

but anyway, after i realized that cayden likes to growl at robots, we thought robots might be a fun theme for his second birthday. (i mean, really, what child needs a theme for their party? answer: no child needs a theme. this is strictly for mama and getting some colors going.) anyway, i designed his invite around several colors and robots. and because i couldn't pick just one, we printed both versions of the invitations. i don't have big plans to make this party a robot-overload... mostly will just carry some of the colors into some decorations. and maybe some of the food (think m&ms here).

otherwise, a simple little party with a few close friends and family. and while i'm so thrilled that our baby is about to be two, there's that little part of every mama that just wants time to slow down. just a little. please.

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