• i have a habit of checking my teeth after lunch with my web cam. hey, it's convenient. and i bet some of you might start doing this yourselves. way easier than walking to a mirror. now that i do it every day, i'll usually snap a photo to send to my husband of me being ridiculous (cause that's what i'm best at). today? realizing that if my arms are super-close to the camera, they look HUGE. ha!

• the missoni hype at target? some of it was cute. some of it wasn't. but for reals, why in the world were people buying ALL of it just to list on ebay and make money off it later? completely beyond my comprehension. it's selfish, y'all. if you're not going to use, leave it for someone who does want it, ok? geez.
• favorite toddler moment this week so far: telling cayden i'm tired. cayden responds with, "yeah mommy. i tire. RRRAAAWWWWRRRR." oh sweetie, that's so cute and funny, but i'm tired, not a tiger. love that kid.
• oh, and i got my hair cut. see ridiculous photo above for reference.
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