May 21, 2012

"i gonna be fwee"


no, that's not a typo. that's what our now three year old says when you ask him how old he is. not "i am," or anything, but "i gonna be..." we keep correcting and telling him that he's already three, but honestly? it's so cute that i don't mind him going on like that!


we had his birthday party on saturday. lots of little superheros came to help celebrate. capes and masks were loved by all. and while they were a task to get it all done in less than a week, it was totally and completely worth it!


we kept the party pretty simple. had it a park nearby this year. playground = automatic entertainment. add pizza, cupcakes and candy? and we were good to go. the kids had a tough time wanting to leave the playground. i'm not sure about everyone else's kiddos, but ours crashed about five minutes into the drive home.


cayden got so many great toys. (we'll not discuss the fact that sawyer wants to play with all of them too. big brother is NOT down with that. yet.) sometimes photos tell the story better, so i'll leave you with those. and, even though i mentioned needing to get a family photo before we left the house, do you think we ended up with one? yeah. none. i don't even think jeremy or i ended up in any of the photos. birthday parties are crazy y'all.


sunday was cayden's actual birthday. we saved our present (dinosaur train!) for him to open. he loved them so much that we went to target after lunch and tried to find him more pieces. if anyone comes across the engine part in their neighborhood target, pick it up for us and we'll pay you back? (or, i'll try to find it online. whatevs.)


oh cayden, three years. they've flown. you've grown. you're an amazing little guy. you're pretty hilarious even though you don't realize it. you've taken becoming a big brother in stride and love your little brother (even if you don't want him playing with your new toys). i look at your pictures from last year's party and you've definitely gone from toddler to little boy this year. i thank you for blessing our family and for making me and your daddy parents. we couldn't have asked for a better kiddo. and while i hear that three can be a trying age, we still look forward to all the new experiences we'll get to share with you this next year. we love you sweet boy. to the moon and back.

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