August 26, 2012

cute braided headband tutorial


um, what? a tutorial? yep, friends, that's right. i've had this little idea running through my head lately, and today seemed like a good day to give it a try. would you like to make a cute braided headband too? awesome! grab some of your favorite fabrics, a hot glue gun and a headband. oh, and maybe a safety pin.


start by ripping your fabric in to as many pieces as you want to braid. i picked four pieces – this would make the braid the wide enough to cover the headband i chose. the length doesn't really matter. sure, you want them long enough to cover the length of your headband, but if you cut them too short, you can just add another strip in.


safety pin the ends of all your fabric pieces together. i did this because i didn't want a knot of fabric resting behind my ears while wearing the headband. if you don't think a knot will bother you, then by all means, tie a knot! begin your braid. keep braiding until it's long enough to fit you headband.


got your braid put together? great! if you're like me, you're just now remembering to plug your glue gun in. it's ok, i'll wait while yours warms up. ready? let's go! if you safety pinned your ends together, take the pin out and glue the flat pieces to one end of your headband. and then start gluing the entire braid to your headband. go slow and make sure that you're getting it glued down well.


continue gluing your braid until you're about half an inch from the final end. if your braid is longer than your headband, unbraid part of it so that you have flat pieces like the beginning of your braid. and glue those down too.


cut a couple of shorter pieces of your fabric. we're going to use these to wrap around the ends of the headband to keep everything in place and looking neat. put a little dab of glue on the headband and wrap your finishing pieces around.


sit back and admire your really cute headband. then put it on your head, go out and get ready to receive some compliments on your new accessory!



Brittany Hendler said...

Love this headband! Thanks much for sharing a tutorial!

New follower via the gfc blog hop :)


Suzanne Davis said...

Well sure, the headband is super cute, but can you do a tutorial on how I can get your face? And hair? Because THAT is the cutest. 

becca @ sewLOVED said...

you are too kind! thanks suzanne =)

Micha Sorensen said...

super cute headband!  I'm a sucker for more ideas on how to do more projects with fabric, now just to find a headband that won't hurt my head.

becca @ sewLOVED said...

i ordered these through threddies and they don't hurt at all!

becca @ sewLOVED said...

no problem, brittany! thanks for stopping by =)

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