August 24, 2012

eight years


when you think about it, eight years is a long time. but when i look back at these last eight years, they've flown. maybe it's because i got married and had two kiddos in the last eight years. or maybe it's just because these years have been really good to me.

either way, today marks my last day at my current ad agency. i'm off on a new adventure. i'm heading to a small publication company that is REALLY close to my home. it's also about two hours less car time. which in the end? equals more time with my family. and to me? that's all that matters.

but here's the deal: i'm not good at good-byes.

i can remember in third grade my best friend moving away. they stopped by our house for a last good-bye and i just stood in the door after they'd left, watching where their car had disappeared over the horizon.

during the summer of my freshman year in high school, i was the one to move away. i had the BEST surprise party ever thrown for me. and i can still remember the feelings i felt that day. i can also remember the dark cloud that settled over me as we drove away to our new home.

and now today? i have to say good-bye to some people who have really impacted me. and i don't want to. i kind of just want to slip out at some point and just know that i'll see them again. good-byes are too final, you know?

so, dear friends, if i don't walk around and hug you today, it's not because i don't want to. it's just that i really stink at handling these sort of emotions. i'll miss you. and i'll see you soon. promise.


McKt said...

Exciting and sad, why do those two always have to go together?  Good luck in your new adventure! Less traffic is always a good thing.

Mandie Segura said...

Wow! I wish you well in your new adventure! I know how nice it is to spend way less time in the car. SO happy for you!

Tracie Ray said...

Ok, I am about to cry. We are really going to miss you. Please don't be a stranger.

becca @ sewLOVED said...

thanks mandie! yeah, it'll go from 45 minutes to about 15 mins in the car to work. i'm so excited about that fact alone!

becca @ sewLOVED said...

so true katy! i'm really excited - the new place is in pelham... so really just a hop and a skip from the house now!

becca @ sewLOVED said...

one rule for today: no tears. for real. deal? =)

ObjectivityRach said...

Congrats on less drive time!! I'm with you though - work can get to feel so much like family - it's so weird to leave it!

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