October 28, 2013

sometimes i do still sew.


Especially when a co-worker asks me to whip her up some adorable make-up bags for her bridesmaids. I actually finished these a month or so ago, but needed to wait until the bridesmaids received their gifts before posting. The wedding was this past weekend and was absolutely beautiful. It was all outdoors and the weather behaved perfectly – a little cloudy, but no rain; not too hot, but not enough chill in the air to be uncomfortably cold. And the reception overlooked a huge lake. I mean, seriously, the location was just out of control with its beauty.

But back to the bags! I was sent a link to something that she really liked and was totally convinced that I could recreate something similar. The sewing part? A no brainer. But when I got into the embroidery part, I was in semi-new territory. I embroidered something once, and while I thought I did a good job, looking back, I KNOW I could have done better. So I did a little googling on how to get the desired look here and went for it. The first letter I did took me a ridiculously long time. After that first one though, I progressively got faster, and much more confident, with my stitching. I'm still contemplating making one of these cuties for myself!

1 comment:

Kassie said...

They turned out perfectly!! I am so happy with mine and I think the girls love them as well!! So glad y'all were able to come, it was definitely a beautiful day!! :)

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