March 28, 2014

a little update: thirty-four weeks


I'm really, really bad with keeping updates on pregnancies. I'm even worse at having photos captured of this time. Some women are absolutely beautiful while pregnant. Me? I don't feel that so much, so I tend to shy away from the camera during these times. No worries, I DO have photos while pregnant with all of the boys, it's just, they don't get shared. But today I changed my mind and decided to share a couple of photos that Jeremy shot. I thought the lighting was really nice, and well, the baby bump is definitely displayed... so, there it is.

There have been some ups and downs with this pregnancy. Some moments of worry that were completely unnecessary (aren't they always?), so now feels like a good time to catch up from the last time I mentioned being pregnant.

Graham looks great; seems to be growing right now track. During our 20 week ultrasound, there was some concern about his kidney growth though. They were measuring large and our team of doctors wanted to keep their eye on it. Which did mean more ultrasounds for us where we got to look in on our sweet baby. We even took Cayden and Sawyer to the last ultrasound (they were unimpressed). Thankfully at the last ultrasound (about four weeks ago), his kidneys looked perfectly normal and we're no longer having to watch that. Whew!

My morning (all day) sickness finally waned sometime around 18-20 weeks. There were still some iffy moments of and on, but thankfully the worst was over. I've managed to get a cold almost every month with some major congestion that never wants to go away. (This is actually the first month I've stayed well, but congestion is always around now. Yay?)

After having passed the one hour glucose screening with both Cayden and Sawyer, I failed it with Graham. Um, what? So I had to go back for the three hour screening. It wasn't awful, just time-consuming. And thankfully I passed it easily. No gestational diabetes for me this time.

I think overall I'm feeling pretty good. Graham's a mover and a shaker – rarely still. Which is fun and alarming all at once. Heartburn has come back like a beast. At night, if I lay on my left side, it somewhat subsides, but if I try to lay on my right side, forget about it. Weird, right?

The boys love on Graham like crazy. Sawyer's recently started asking me almost every day if Graham goes with me everywhere... so I'm not entirely sure he completely understands the entire concept of what's going on. Cayden gets it for sure though. Thankfully we've only had one question of "how does the baby get out?" which was easily answered with "the doctor helps us." He was satisfied with that, so we are too.

Jeremy and my dad are painting the nursery as I type this. Maybe we'll be able to get some furniture set up this weekend. Six weeks out. So much to do. But also not. We're just taking it one day at a time and figure we'll get it all done when it needs to be done. Or not. Whichever.


Suzanne @bebehblog said...

I think we are having identical pregnancies. I mean, besides the fact that you look gorgeous and I am the size of a house and that you're 10 weeks ahead. I wonder if that means I'm having a boy too??

becca @ sewLOVED said...

I seriously doubt you're the size of a house, Suzanne! Bet you're glowing! And you know, I think kids know certain things. Cayden was convinced we were having a boy (as was I) and he was right. I say if Evan and Caroline both think it's a girl, they might be on to something ;)

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