May 21, 2014

last day of 4k.


Today was the last day of the 4k program at Cayden's school. It's still a little hard for us to believe that he'll be starting kindergarten in the fall. We went to a new parent orientation one night last week. I thought I would be really anxious about it, but once I got there, I was just really excited about all the fun things that he's going to get to do and learn in the next year. We even got to take Cayden back the next morning for a new student tour and he was completely cool with it. I think he only grabbed ours hands on the initial walk in, but otherwise was totally good to just do his thing.

Anyway, 4k... Cayden had an awesome year of learning and we've reassured that he's completely ready for kinder. And that's good to hear. I think every parent feels like their children are super smart, but you guys, Cayden IS super smart. I don't know what the normal going-into-kinder kids know, but I feel like we're good. He knows his letters, his numbers, tries to put letters together to actually read (dude, you JUST turned 5 yesterday), knows rhyming words and opposites and lots of other little things he seems too young to know. But I guess that's how it is. They grow up and stuff.


And a little comparison from the beginning of the year to the end. He maybe gained a pound, but grew at least four inches it seems... Also? Confidence. This little boy-man is bursting with it. And we couldn't be prouder!

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