April 5, 2015

easter, twenty fifteen.


We actually had to wake the older boys this morning in order for them to see that the Easter bunny had visited last night. Um, having to wake the older boys is completely unheard of around these parts. Perhaps it was the wild night we had last night enjoying our friends after an early evening of worship. Or perhaps they somehow knew we needed to get up early, so naturally they would sleep in. Either way, they were delighted to see that some small goodies had been left for them before we headed off to church.

I suppose we have a tradition starting on Easter Sunday of a big lunch at my parents' house followed by an Easter egg hunt that must be louder than most others. Five grandsons and one granddaughter makes it super loud. But also super fun. Eggs were found by all and we enjoyed counting the loot afterward.

And each year I'm going to try to get a shot of the cousins (as long as they'll play along) to see how they've grown in the past year. Also, please note that Graham was born the day after Easter last year. Like, less than 24 hours later. And yes, that was a surprise to all of us.

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