February 14, 2017

valentines, 2017.


Jeremy and I never make a big deal out of Valentine's Day. We both feel that you should show love for each other every day of the year, and that flowers should really be given on days that Hallmark doesn't monopolize. That being said, we do feel it's important to do something small for our kiddos. And to try to make them feel special on these days. The boys all got a new snack-size lunch box, a small Dr. Seuss book (they're perfect for bathroom reading, ha!), a mystery Tsum-Tsum and a little bit of chocolate. Tatum got a new chime/chew toy thing. Apparently we should have gotten her some chocolate too? She kept trying to steal her brothers'. And we're about to wrap up the evening with cheesy (figuratively and literally!) heart-shaped pizzas. I might have also swung by Dunkin Donuts this morning and picked up a few heart-shaped donuts for dessert. Sugar and hearts... what better way to wrap up this day?

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