March 15, 2010

pizza, green beans & applesauce

that's what our big boy had for lunch today. and he apparently loved it. loved it so much that he had pizza sauce on his face, on his clothes and in his hair. but hey, i'm just glad that he's liking real food, you know? {on the other hand, it does seem like they'd put bibs on these kiddos while they're trying all this new food. but i guess that'd be a lot more laundry for school to take care of. i think we'll just keep oxiclean in stock in the meantime.}

tonight cayden had spaghetti for the first time. and he loved it too. maybe we have a lover of italian food on our hands? {it'd make sense. both his momma & daddy really like italian. yum.}

he's getting to be such a big boy. he doesn't look much like a baby anymore. quite the grown-up little fellow instead. sigh. i do wish it would slow down just a bit. on saturday, we'll celebrate his ten month-day. ten months? it's so cliche, but it does seem like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital...

so that's two months until the big birthday. guess it's time to start planning for that. no worries. this anal-retentive momma already has some ideas up her sleeves {some ideas all her own; others that have been inspired by the wonderful interwebs}.

until then, enjoy these couple of photos of cayden enjoying his spaghetti {mess & all}:

1 comment:

Rachel said...

So glad he is eating lots of stuff, I hope he's not a picky eater like his cousin. Can't wait to love on this little boy Thursday night, he is coming for our girls night, right?

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