July 27, 2010

playing in the creek

when it's this hot, feet in the creek are a must!

on saturday, we woke up and headed to the local farmers market. it was hot. like, so hot that i had sweat running down my back just from breathing. really. it was that hot.

(hey, did i mention it was hot?)

anyway, we picked up several great things: tomatoes, purple hull peas, okra and some homemade pickles. those pickles? are to die for. & they have a little kick. at $6 a jar, they were a little pricey. so i won't be getting those every time we go. but still, a nice little treat.

the farmers market that we went to is located right off a creek. and there's this great waterfall and all this room for wading in the water. since it was so hot, we thought we'd let cayden try it out. we kept thinking he would totally fall in, but he held his balance really well. and while we were standing there, a couple with their cute dog loaded their canoe in the creek and off they went. and now we're dreaming of getting a canoe for our little family and cruising down the creek.

i think that would be a ton of fun. you know, until said canoe tips over and we fall in. but that's what life jackets are for, right?

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