June 17, 2012

at the playground


whew. that's all i can say. i mean, we read the reviews that this thing could take a good 7-10 hours to put together. but we're really good at putting things together, so surely that wouldn't apply to us. ha. haha. bahahaha. oh, it applied. and the beast that is this swingset? almost beat us down on saturday.


but it's done. we may have sunburns in the most unexpected places (um, hello. the back side of my knees?). we may have waited to finish it up completely this morning before church. but no matter. it's complete. except for a swing for sawyer. and we even tried to remedy that this afternoon, but the target we visited was out of infant/toddler swings. never fear, we'll get that swing sometime soon.


you guys? all the hard work was worth it. times a million. and we knew it would be. but we also knew that putting that thing together was going to be a little intimidating. maybe that's why it sat in the garage for close to three weeks in it's box? eh, either way, the excitement you can see in cayden's eyes when he asks to go to the playground is evident.


and can i just mention that i love that he calls it a playground? cause that's pretty awesome. and neither jeremy nor i care to correct him. you want to go to the playground? sure! let's go. and hey, we only have to go a few steps to the backyard. it's all sorts of awesome, y'all.

so if anyone is looking for us, we'll be in the backyard at the playground. it's probably pretty safe to say that as long as we're home, and the sun is up, we'll be out there. hello summer.

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