June 1, 2012

thoughts of random


– i have been forever changed by the crowe family. you can read about their story here. and when you have about two hours free time, watch the memorial service that they held for noah. we wore red & Star Wars in honor of him as those were two of his favorite things. it was a beautiful service, heart-wrenching, but beautiful. it was an evening that held so many different emotions for everyone in that room that it's hard to begin to explain it to anyone. so for real, when you have a moment (or several), watch it. it'll change your life.

– i let cayden's birthday slip up on me this year, so i've decided that getting a head start on sawyer's would be a good idea. invites have been designed (and printed!). and i've ordered some other miscellaneous things for the party. he's going to be one year old in 28 days. 28 DAYS!

– we bought a new duvet for our master bedroom. we have plans to paint the room soon. and it will also mark the start of slowly repainting all the trim in our home. it's currently an off-white/cream which makes the colors on our walls look a little muddled. white to the rescue! time to "crisp" this place up and make it our own.


– we had a fabulous vacation about a month ago. what? you didn't know because you haven't seen the photos? yeah, i know. our photos live on our hard drive. which was connected to our laptop. but the laptop was getting so slow that we decided to finally upgrade to a new computer (an iMac!). and because our laptop was so old (and apparently our hard drive too), we don't have the correct cord to connect and we keep forgetting to grab a plain usb cord. we're challenged sometimes. but you'll see them soon. maybe.

– did you catch that? NEW iMAC! i've already broken it in doing some custom work for the etsy shop. i have an iMac at work and have loved it. having a new computer at home that doesn't give me the spinning wheel of death all the time is fabulous. and well, makes me a little more productive.

– we ordered the boys a swingset and are going to get it today. the reviews all say that it's a beast to put together and could take several days to do so. i'm excited and terrified all at the same time. i love assembling things... but hours to do it? yikes. in the end, i'm thrilled that cayden will have a "playground in the back yard."

– have any big weekend plans? we have three (yes, three) birthday parties to go to this weekend. popular time of the year for the itty bitties to be born, methinks. other than partying all weekend, we plan to start the swingset assembly party and do a little yard work. we'll be very glad to have some cooler weather to work with. low 80s counts as cooler, right?

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