July 8, 2013

sawyer turns two.


Well, I mean, it happened over a week ago, but it did happen and this little post proves it! We actually had a great day. Sawyer's actual birthday was on a Saturday, so all day was about him. And while we did have the camera with us all day, there were several moments we forgot to capture. Like breakfast. And donuts. And chocolate milk. And so much energy between two littles!

But that breakfast gave us the energy to get through the day. Next stop on the birthday train was the theatre. Cayden's been to the movies several times (his first time right before Sawyer was born), but this was Sawyer's first trip. We weren't entirely sure how the nugget would do, but it turned out great. We went to see Monsters University (really cute!) and for the first forty-five minutes, Sawyer inhaled popcorn and Sprite and completely content sitting in his seat. After he was done with his snack, he stood in front of his chair leaning on the row in front of us (no one seated there) and was totally okay with standing and watching the movie. Success!

Both boys passed out on the way back to the house, but after nap, we were back at it. We headed to the pool for a couple of hours. The boys swam and jumped from the side of the pool and just had a really great time. (Seriously, membership to the YMCA is worth it just for pool access for us.) We cleaned up and headed over to Nana and Pop's for dinner and more presents. Oh, and cake. Which is the only thing Sawyer asked for on his birthday.

Trying two's, here we come!


Ashley S said...

Oh my! How is he TWO?!

becca @ sewLOVED said...

I know, right? Sheesh time, slow down!

beccap3 said...

Happy birthday cute boy! Can't even believe 2 is upon us! Way too fast!

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