January 3, 2014

christmas 2013.


Christmas morning this year was really, really fun. Both the boys mostly understood what was going on, and both of them could open their own presents for the first time (despite the fact that Sawyer took for-ev-er and picked miniscule pieces of wrapping paper off at at time). Jeremy and I tried to be much more intentional with the gifts we gave this year, although things sometimes do get out of hand. I still think we managed to downsize from last year, so we'll call that win for this year and try again in 2014.

Unfortunately for me, I woke up with some weird stomach bug that morning and spent a lot of time hugging a toilet during the day.

BUT! I wasn't about to let my poor circumstances ruin their good day. And I believe it was a good day indeed. Well, a couple of good days actually. We'd spent the day before with Granna and Poppa having all sorts of fun. Then we had our second traditional Chinese adventure for lunch on Christmas day. And we rounded Christmas day out with dinner at Nana and Pop's.

While I'd love to share all of those photos here, this is just a small portion. You can see the rest over on Facebook if you're into that sort of thing.

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