June 4, 2014

a star wars birthday party.


We did another joint birthday party for the older boys this year, and thankfully, they are still enjoying it! We'll see if that changes next year with Cayden going off to big boy school and making his own new set of friends. Hey, it worked for two years; we'll take what we can get!

Anyway, we kept it pretty simple this year. In years past, I would try to do too much and usually end up stressed out the day of the party. This year? Not so much. We kept it to a smaller group of people (Cayden did dictate the invites this year, so I suppose that's the start of that, huh?) and I decided to keep the menu smaller too. And not quite as many ornate/hard to make things.

Cayden requested a strawberry cake with white icing; Sawyer, chocolate cupcakes with white icing. Boxes of cake mix and icing bought, and ta-da! No fondant cakes for us this year! And you know what? I think the boys enjoyed it just a much. We made light sabers from pool noodles, and even that was a fairly easy task.

Also to note? We weren't still prepping when people arrived. In fact, we were done with about half an hour to spare. Believe me, that is quite the improvement over other parties we've thrown.

::pats self on back for being prepared this year. for once.::


We bought a fairly large sectional earlier this year. And totally put it to the test at the party. Including all the kiddos, it held thirteen people. Pretty impressive if you ask me!


And Cayden's favorite present. Which promptly ran out about 30 seconds later. But he loved every web-spraying minute of it!

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