July 21, 2014

beauty from ash.


It's really hard to even know where to start, but here goes...

Once upon a time, there were two really cool people. Those two people met and decided to get married and become a little family. And not too long after they were married, they found out they were going to have a baby! A little boy! And his name would be Noah.

Noah was a wild little thing. Full of life and laughter. And then one day, when he wasn't very old, Noah got sick. It wasn't a normal sickness. And Noah had to have a few surgeries. And chemo. And stayed in the hospital off and on for a long time.

Many, many people prayed for healing for Noah. But this time, that just didn't happen. So Noah went to be with his Lord and Savior at the young age of four. Noah was a brave little boy. And lived life 100%.

It's not the happiest of stories. In fact, it stinks. But it's true. Some of our really good friends lost their sweet son to cancer a little over two years ago. And it's been hard for them. But something, really cool has come out of it. They've started their own ministry and will travel to churches playing their songs about Noah, and tell his story, and y'all, it's changing people's lives.

I know his story changed my life. It can change yours too. If you let it...

John David and Jessica are wanting to reach more people. And they want to do it with an album that contains all the songs that have been written about Noah. Making a CD is no cheap feat, so they're asking for our help. My help, your help. Anyone who is willing to help.

Check out their Kickstarter page and, if you feel led, make a donation. Make this dream become a reality so that other people who are grieving can be helped to find some form of peace.

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