October 17, 2014

a beach weekend.


This past weekend we took a small vacation. Cayden had school off on Monday, so we took advantage of that time. And when one is on vacation, they certainly should not expect the oldest boys to sleep in. In fact, they should expect that they'll wake up even earlier due to excitement. Jeremy took them down to the ocean while everyone else tried to sleep in a bit.


We weren't entirely sure how all our kiddos would do with the ocean. Cayden and Sawyer have been once before, but Sawyer wasn't even a year old. Thankfully they both loved it. The smallest Allen? Not so much. Hopefully we can give it a try again next year. I should note that he was perfectly happy sitting in laps under umbrellas. So we did at least have that. He was not a fan of the water though.


My mama had the best floppy hat. She was standing right in front of me looking so pretty, so I had to snap a photo. (Notes to self: Self, buy a cute floppy hat. Your nose will appreciate it.)


And, to prove that I was there. Jeremy was testing out the photo settings and I shoved my face right in front of the camera. RIGHT in front of the camera. You're welcome.

1 comment:

mckt said...

Fun! I love the kiddos in PJs on the beach.

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