October 16, 2014

letting go of one dream for another.


About a week and a half ago we put our much loved home on the market. We envisioned living here until the boys were in high school – maybe even college. We have enough rooms, the kitchen really couldn't be any fancier and the back yard is the perfect size.

So why are we trying to sell this home that we're completely happy with? Another dream. A dream that's been in the back of my head for oh, about five and a half years. If you're any kind of whiz with math, you'll quickly figure out that our oldest child is almost five and a half years old. And those two things kind of correlate. Because you see, I've wanted to be a stay at home mama.

After every boy we've brought home, I would look at our finances and try to figure out how to make it work. And every time, I'd be so disappointed to see that there was no way to make it work. We let cable go years ago. We could sell a car, but with the hectic schedule of sports and whatnot, only having one car just wasn't going to work for us anymore. So I continued to work, praying all the while that someday, it would work out for us.

We were blessed about a year and a half ago for my mama to watch our kiddos. While not free, it was a much discounted price. And that discounted price kept us comfortable with having a third child and not stressing about finances. In the last few months, some things have changed with that situation and the need to put our children back in full-time daycare was staring us in the face. At the price of close to $1800 a month.

Jeremy and I always said that if sending our kids to childcare ever equaled my paycheck (or close to it), then we would make the decision for me to stay home. Y'all, that decision has come. So while we were thinking me staying at home with the kiddos would look a little differently, God is leading us on a different path. One that still has the same outcome, but it's requiring a little sacrifice on our part.

Which leads to us selling our home. We're trying to lessen our mortgage to keep from stressing over finances. It seems weird to be walking away from a perfectly good job (and income stream) to make this happen. But nothing has ever felt so right.

We've had three showings so far. Of the two that have left feedback, they've said it shows really well. One realtor even went so far as to say that it looks like it's from a Pottery Barn catalog (thanks realtor, but you might be a little crazy). Great feedback, just need to find that one buyer.

Come the end of November I'll be getting my dream. Stay at home mama to some pretty cute little boys. And I can't wait.


Rebekah said...

Congratulations! I have been a stay at home Mom (besides some part time work here and there) and couldn't be happier! I'm blessed to stay at home with my babies. I'm blessed with a hubby who wants me to and encourages me to do so. We live a very frugal existence but it is oh so worth it! Good for you!

Traci Morris Silloway said...

Sending you some love!! Congrats sweet friend!!

molly said...

Awww, congrats hon! Dream come true!

Whitney said...

I think it's so brave! Not a house, but we walked away from one income three years ago. Best. Decision. Ever. Really helps to refocus the priorities on the Now. so happy for you.

becca @ sewLOVED said...

Thank you Whitney! I'm so excited to be at home and watch those little cuties grow!

becca @ sewLOVED said...

I appreciate it Molly! It IS a dream come true :)

becca @ sewLOVED said...

Thank you Traci! I'm sure me and the boys will find all sorts of trouble to get in ;-)

becca @ sewLOVED said...

Yes! We've been feeling the tug to live a life of less. Weeding out the unnecessary things is so liberating. I'm excited to be home with my boys and see what this life is like. Thank you Rebekah!

mckt said...

Congratulations! You will never regret the time you spent with your boys. I remember when we were struggling with the decision one of the older (working) moms told me of her time at home, "I thought we would be eating PB&J every day. I thought I would never step foot in Target. But it always worked out. Even when on paper it didn't look like it would, it always did." And the same has been true for us. The transition can be a challenge, but wow it is so much fun!

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