August 12, 2015

cayden: first day of 1st grade


Cayden started 1st grade today! He had a lot of firsts as well. First car ride to a new school. First day at a new school. First day with new friends. First ride on the bus home... So it seems fitting that he started 1st grade, right?

Surprisingly, our awesome little kiddo didn't seem nervous at all. It was a fun change from last fall – he's so independent now! And as parents of a kiddo at a new school, I was also surprisingly not nervous! (Don't ask me about his first solo bus ride home though. That? I'm a teeny bit nervous about. And it's also the thing he was most looking forward to. Of. Course.) We dropped him off and had already told him to ask how to get to his classroom if he got confused. The elementary school he's in has been added on to a couple of times, so it's somewhat of a labyrinth of rooms and halls. Truth be told? I'm not sure I could have gotten to his room from where we dropped him off! First and last thing I heard him tell the teacher as he was walking in? "I've never done this before!" So, at least he remembered to let the adults know he needed help. Ha!

I'm anxiously awaiting his return home in a couple of hours. But so very excited for what this year brings. We've heard nothing but great things about our new school system and can't wait to experience it all for ourself. Also? Go Huskies!

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