May 12, 2009

oh, life ...

funny how life can sometimes just get in the way of, well, life. jeremy and i had decided to put the house back on the market. i mean, really, caring for a newborn just wouldn't be enough of a challenge, so you know, put the house on the market too, and then we're talking.

and then that life thing happened. yeah, our air conditioner went out. and instead of spending a significant amount on getting one part fixed (that could possibly break again), we're going ahead and having the whole thing replaced. the unit outside. all the stuff in the attic. and i'd presume some pipes in between the two. this is not money we had planned to spend - especially during the same month that our little one is supposed to show up. so that's our life getting in the way of life. sure, we could've gone without our beloved air conditioner. but if anyone has spent a summer in the alabama heat and humidity knows that would be a crazy idea.

another life moment getting in the way? we found out yesterday that the one dealership in birmingham that works on saab's has closed. so now, if something goes majorly wrong with my car (which, at this rate seems highly possible), we'll have to take it to atlanta to get worked on. i mean, really? urgh. we may have to figure out something on the car front. not sure what yet, but something.

other than those two things, life is actually really good. promise.


Anonymous said...

my goodness girl! that sucks about the air conditioner! We're going to have to get ours replaced soon too...especially if we plan on putting our house on the market one day. No one is going to want that old dinosaur (with the big hole in the coil!!!!) Good luck with that life thing, okay? And just know that God won't give you more than you can handle!

pharmgurhl said...

okay....i'm soo not secretive. that comment is from pharmgurhl.

becca said...

haha - i figured that was you! yeah, we were going to list the house, and then BAM!, we have this huge thing to pay for. so we'll be in the house for a while yet. maybe we'll talk about it again next spring... as long as something else doesn't break :)

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