March 8, 2010

a beautiful weekend

the vulcan cup was this weekend in birmingham. and luckily, i have some soccer-playin' cousins from tennessee who always come for it. so saturday morning, we loaded up the little guy to go watch cousin john play soccer {and to see aunt julie}. it was a gorgeous morning and we had a great time. we had cayden covered from head to toe, and wouldn't you know a little place on his face still got a little too much sun. {i had the same problem, too. stupid fair skin.}

we ended up taking off after the game to go visit nana & pop in tennessee. dad hadn't actually seen cayden crawl yet {only via the blog}. it was nice to just have some quiet time with them. cayden even earned a new nickname – sputterbutt. he was having quite a few gas problems over the weekend, and pop said it. & now i think it's stuck. {little guy is teething right now, so we're having all sorts of bodily excretion problems. gross, i know.}

we're hoping to introduce you to the new set of teeth very soon. we're very much over the nights it's causing. {and i'll admit, i am very quick to put him in the bed just so we can all get some sleep. jeremy? not so much... although he does love a good cuddle bug just as much as me.}


Tiffany said...

What a serious baby... a sports fan no doubt. Love the picture in the hat and glasses. Classic!

Rachel said...

by "the bed" do you mean YOUR bed?? Bad Becca, bad!! But I do understand, I had nights like that with Ethan. And believe it or not, it doesn't spoil them into thinking that's where they can sleep all the time. Hope Sputterbutt feels better. (That SO sounds like dad!!)

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