April 16, 2010

peeping tom

so, a couple of weeks ago, there was talk of a twitter home tour, on well, you guessed it, twitter. and since i love looking at other people's homes, i thought it was only fair that i show my digs as well. unfortunately, the rooms aren't anywhere near where we want them to be. but hey, this is a great starting point and i can use these photos in the future to show our progress.

without further ado {haha, what a funny saying}, here's some photos.
{also, a small disclaimer: we just moved in three weeks ago. that should explain the lack of decorating. i promise, we don't love naked walls, and they will eventually have something on them. one day.}

first, a floorplan. because really, i love looking at everyone's photos, but if i can't figure out the floorplan, i sometimes tend to get frustrated. but that's just me.

and here's a view of the front of the house. look! we have a garage!

next up, we have the current nursery. yep, it's plain. & it's also soon to be the new guest room. cayden will be moving to the {current} guest room. a step up for him. it's a little bit bigger {and has a ginormous closet}. we already have plans for the room and are really excited about it. it'll feature robin egg blue walls and have hints of orange around the room. in my head, it's gorgeous; l
et's just hope it turns out that way. {there's no photo of the current guest room. it's a storage room at the moment.}

in between the two guest rooms is the guest bathroom. again, all we've done is hung a shower curtain. not entirely sure where we're going with this room, but it'll be better than this. across the hall from the guest bathroom is the laundry room. if you really want to see it, click here.

here's the family room. we plan to paint the walls a light gray {cause i really think it'll make that gorgeous rug pop!}. again, there's no artwork hung in here yet. we plan to do a collage of frames on one of the walls. and eventually get a new sofa {the one in here will make its way to the bonus room}.

from the family room, you can head upstairs to the bonus room. it's a mess, i know. see those white shelves though? they will go across that entire wall eventually. it's going to be a craft/art/playroom when it all comes together. i think i'm most excited about this room.

also from the family room, you can access the kitchen. i love this kitchen. love it. at first i was worried about how dark it was... but once we get in there and add some paint {that's not builders beige}, i really think
it'll come together. the eating area is on the other side of the counter.

and again, from the family room, you can reach the master suite. at first i didn't think this room was any bigger than our last house. but it definitely is. i don't think we'll buy any more furniture for it, but there's one wall that's completely blank. thinking that might be a great place for some artwork.

and here's the view from the back. we plan to eventually expand the deck area and you know, add some furniture to it. but for now, this is what it is.

hope you enjoyed a little peek into our home. i promise to give updates as rooms get their final touches. thanks for stopping by!

Once upon a time, @MomNom, @jennandtonica, @emmie_bee, @heirtoblair, and @ColeEmmett were talking about home decor on Twitter. We thought it would be so great to be able to see each other's homes! A *bunch* of other tweeps joined in, @Alena29 put together a terrific button, and #twitterhometour (or #twitterhouseparty) was born! Feel free to join us - add a link to your home tour post (pictures, video, or both!) below.


Katherine Klegin said...

gorgeous house! i love your style. :)

ashley said...

Your house is beautiful! And I love your master bedding! Gorgeous!

Heidi - D said...

Beautiful! Also, clever of you to put a floor plan with it! Smart cookie...

AllisonO said...

That was all so beautiful. My faves were the gorgeous yellow bedding and the architectural detail on the ceiling above the eating area!

Thanks for letting us in!

Nicci said...

AHH! Kitchen envy!

Also, your house is so cozy feeling :)

The Mommy said...

Hey, where have I seen that yellow bedding? In one of the recent catalogues but don't remember which, is it from Pottery Barn?

Oh and I really like your vanity sink:)

Good luck with the new house!

becca said...

thanks for all the kind words! it's still a work in progress, but we do love it.

@The Mommy: the bedding is from target; it's their dwell line. we picked it up last fall and love it. {highly recommend & it's affordable}

Sarah @ Cole's First Blog said...

Another house to make me jealous! I wanted to put a floor plan on our tour stop, too, but I couldn't figure out how/where to draw it so I gave up. I'll add my voice to those who like the yellow bedding! Also, it's a dream of mine of have double sinks in the master bath - congrats on the new house!

Suzanne said...

SO jealous of your bonus room and your kitchen! Man, new houses are fantastic. The tile backsplash that matches the kitchen floor is brilliant. You're going to do amazing things with that home!

Hey Lauren Rene said...

I love your home!!! You have done such a great job so far. It's so inviting and cozy! Congrats on the new place!

Jenna said...

Wow, so impressive! I can only dream of having such a well put together, clean & new house like that one day!
Guess I need to move out of California... lol :P

Lauren said...

beautiful house! You are a brave woman to post pictures three weeks after moving in, especially with a kid! Your bedding is gorgeous and I want to steal your kitchen. Is that ok?

Unknown said...

Cute house. I'm impressed you moved three weeks ago and have sheets on the bed and stuff. I'd still be living out of boxes.
PS. I LOVE your kitchen

Julie said...

Let's talk about your kitchen. No, let's not. It'll make me sad. WANT. =)

erin said...

Love your wall colors!
Beautiful house.

beingzaraandzidan said...

COZY!! loved ur kitchen & the bright yellow bed sheet. Good Job!
Do visit my place at www.beingzaraandzidan.blogspot.com

HarmSkills said...

beautiful kitchen!

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