May 7, 2010

birthday series: cayden's arrival

taking a cue from my friend em over at last train to pooksville, today starts a thirteen day countdown to cayden's first birthday. each day will represent a month, and today starts with his actual birth day.

i remember the day we found out that cayden would be joining our little two person family. i'd been feeling "off" for a few days. exercising felt strange. weird smells would hit my nose. and [sorry guys], but my boobs just felt weird. so i took a test. and at only about one week late, we found out we were going to be parents.

my mom was in town that weekend, and we had huge plans to take her to tuscaloosa for an alabama football game. [notes to self: i believe there was also a gas shortage that weekend. i think we paid over $4 a gallon just to get to tuscaloosa. ridiculous.] but to tuscaloosa we went. and we didn't mention one. single. thing. to my mom. seriously. held it in the whole time. it was torture, yet so much fun having that little secret.

the pregnancy went really well. just a little "all day sickness" until about 12 weeks and then that suddenly disappeared. and the delivery went as smoothly as i think it could have. [a slight complication with an epidural leak, which caused this awful headache. second day in, i had to have a blood patch to correct it – you can google if you want.] otherwise, we completely enjoyed our hospital stay and the little guy that we got to bring home with us.

just a few photos leading up to cayden's birth day. the day we found out. a couple of belly photos. and of course, mr. cayden's arrival...


Rachel said...


Jeremy said...

crazy.....I have enjoyed every sleeping and waking moment. The most fun I have ever had.

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