May 28, 2010

a little daydreaming

yep, that's right. this long memorial day weekend has me dreaming of being outdoors. sitting by a pool. grilling out. enjoying a ton of meals at our dining set. on our awesome deck.

but here's the real deal: it's raining. and it's supposed to rain all. weekend. long. monday, too. fun, yes? we do have a sweet new pool to sit by. it's about four by four. um, feet. and it has a weight limit. but it looks like cayden will have a super-fun time in it. [you know, if it quits raining.]

we do have a grill. and we will most likely grill out at some point this weekend. but i really want this grill. badly. and i want it to go on our awesome deck. that hasn't been built yet. & then it'll house a great dining set. again, that we don't have.

see? all a daydream. but this grill? we will own it one day. in fact, i think jeremy and i will be buying it for each other for christmas. [you know, in seven-ish months.]

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