May 19, 2010

birthday series: twelfth month

this twelfth month is so bittersweet. it's been a great month, and we did a lot of great things... but the end of this month also marks your first birthday. which i thought i was totally okay with. until i was driving home yesterday, and it all hit me. cayden, my sweetheart, you're about to be a whole year old. just a short year ago you were still in my tummy, and a year ago from tomorrow, we were blessed with the most beautiful child one could imagine.

instead of doing a recap of this past month, we'll let all your friends and family just view the photos, yes?

cayden, this past year has been one that me and your daddy could never have predicted. i know every family thinks their child is the most beautiful and well-behaved child in the world... but for you, we both know it's true.

you amaze us every day. from that very first smile that you ever gave us, to the super-cheese grin [complete with squinty eyes] that you give us now. from that very first attempt at you lifting your head on your own, to your full-on running through a room. from those first sounds that you made [which often accompanied a nice big poop], to all the new words you're discovering... you blow us kisses now. and wave bye. you give your daddy high-fives [which mama kind of can't stand, but it's ok]. when you're feeling a little down, we scoop you up, and you throw one arm around our necks – we think we're comforting you, but really, you're comforting us.

our precious little thing... we love you so very much. and look forward to celebrating your first year with you tomorrow and on through the weekend. we're excited about what's to come and can't wait to share every day of it with you. love you to pieces...


Rachel said...

This one made me cry :)

pharmgurhl said...

so very sweet ;) I can't believe he's already a year old either! my how time flies!

jill said...

how fun are these posts! i plan on doing the same thing in a few months. you have a beautiful family! "hi" from a new follower! :)

Melissa said...

that is so sweet.

Heather said...

How precious!
Heather @

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