June 22, 2010

feelin' the love

do you ever have those moments where you just stop and take everything in around you? i had one of those moments (or rather several) over the weekend.

if you're ever on twitter, you know that fridays are usually "follow friday" or #FF for short. basically, people will suggest twitter users to other people. my friend becca totally grouped me into a lovely bunch of ladies that i highly admire. the likes of gussy, modern bird and coconut robot. i mean, i was wowed to be grouped into this bunch... as silly as it seems. thanks becca! (and becca is a pretty talented lady herself! check out jumping jax designs.)

then, another beautiful blogger, allison, tweeted about one of my new diaper clutches. allison has to be one of the cutest, most sincere mama bloggers out there. and immediately? that one diaper clutch had over 100 views. thanks allison!

and then? on sunday, my friend emily showed all sorts of love for my blog and etsy shop on her blog. if only emily didn't live so far away. her sweet poppy is just a month older than cayden. and i'm pretty sure they'd be fast friends... em has just started a new etsy shop herself (& it's lovely!), so be sure to check it out.

i'm just feeling the love all around. and when a mama is feeling a little discouraged by some things? this is a great way to make her feel loved. i mean really. i couldn't stop smiling all weekend. i think jeremy may have thought i was just a tad crazy. (and, he might be a little bit right.)

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