June 15, 2010

a tv watcher, he is not

trying out veggie tales for the first time

we were pretty adamant about not letting cayden veg out in front of the tv over the past year. we just felt that it would be in his best interest to not have a ton of tv time at such a young age. (and as a disclaimer, we also don't hold anything against parents that chose to let their itty bitties watch tv. promise.)

anyway, the kiddo's got quite the collection of videos already. and until sunday, they were all still wrapped in their shrink wrap. seriously. but cayden was in a clingy, zoned out kind of state (we think he's trying to cut his one year molars. fun.), so we thought we'd try a video and see what happened.

hanging with daddy in the beanbag

it went great! for about three minutes. ok, maybe five minutes. & then he was done with it. zoned out state completely gone. ready to play with everything. so even when we tried to let him watch a video, he chose not to. and in a teeny little way, i think jeremy and i were both proud that he'd rather play than watch tv.


Katherine said...

My daughter is only 7 months, but has ZERO interest in the TV. Ive tried to plop her down in front for a min so I could take a shower or dry my hair...nope. No thank you, she much happier when she's into everything. Sometimes frustrating, otherwise pretty cool.

Suzanne said...

As someone who has the tv on CONSTANTLY, I was really worried Baby Evan was going to be obsessed with it. Instead, it's the total opposite. The only time he even notices it is when there's music, and even then his attention spam only lasts a few seconds. I actually WISH I could get him to sit still and watch an episode of Yo Gabba Gabba or something so I could unload the dishwasher or make some dinner but no luck. Maybe when he's a little older?

Who knew I would ever WANT my kid to watch tv?!

becca said...

& you guys, we kind of DID want him to enjoy this little video. but hey, maybe he'll grow up like we did... you know, playing outside and whatnot :)

i'm guessing in another year, it'll be a completely different story!

pharmgurhl said...

Early on, we didn't want Balin to be a couch potato either...but he discovered the wide world of Disney movies. The only thing other than movies that he'll watch on TV is Monster Truck Rally...absolutely loves it. He'll go get all his monster trucks and play in front of the TV imitating whatever the trucks do. However, Balin LOVES being outside more than anything...so he does play. He plays alot. I think his interest in watching movies helps us in that it keeps him occupied while we get ready for work...or do chores. I know he is in the living room, and he'll stay there while i'm down in the dungeon (basement) doing laundry. I do believe when he gets older and finds interest in the internet, xbox games, etc...is when we will step in and regulate his 'screen' time. For now, I'm taking advantage of my (hate to say it...) babysitter (ugh! i just said it...I used to despise the thought!) with the hope he'll turn out okay...

alliehallmarr said...

adorable blog, i just love everything you are doing! voted for you on tbb too!

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