June 17, 2010

want to see something sad?

um, yes, it's a mess

here's my "office" at home. the place where i get all creative and make things. yep. that's a sewing machine. on. the. floor. let's take a bit of a closer look, ok?

such a creative use of space

see how i've strategically placed the pedal against the baseboard? i sit with one leg under me (the left) and the other stretched out straight (the right). does this kill my back? you bet it it does. but do i manage to get work done still? uh huh. (and yes, this is a stack of new diaper clutches soon to be listed in the etsy shop!)

despite the working conditions, i'm still productive

i have a grand ideas of how i'd like to finish setting this room up. but the budget that doesn't exist to finish this room is kind of holding me back. i really think i'd like to make a trip to the thrift store, find a table that would be suitable (maybe even an old desk) and then paint it a fun, bright color. then maybe find a chair at said thrift store too that could use a little lovin'.

now i just need to find the time to get to that store. sigh. anyone have any photos of how their "offices" are set up? want to share?

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