June 25, 2013

the fresh 20.


If you follow me on Instagram, you've most likely seen me posting some photos of food here and there. (& p.s., if you don't follow me on Instagram, you can do that here. Now!) Anyway, I've been hashtagging (my computer says that's not a word, but it totally is, right?) my photos with #TheFresh20. And people, if you haven't heard of The Fresh 20 yet, I'm so glad I could introduce you.

I saw some people on the Twitters talking about it a few months back and how cool it was. And I was all like, "I need to check this thing out." What is it, you may ask?

Have you ever gotten home from work, had a fridge full of food and still have no idea what to cook? (If you haven't, please just back away slowly. Ha!) We would menu plan and STILL go out to eat almost every night. We just weren't happy with our menus and had no idea where to go.

And then enters The Fresh 20. Y'all, I got a Groupon deal on a year membership and have not been disappointed yet. Every Friday, they add the menu for the next week. There are detailed instructions on everything you're going to prepare. And my favorite part? They make the grocery list for you! Hurrah! And there are even some make-ahead things to make the nights even easier. Sometimes I take advantage of the make-ahead section, and sometimes I just go with the flow. Either way works!

There are three different menu options to choose from: Classic, Vegetarian and Gluten-free (oh, and I see they've added a Lunch plan too!). We chose the classic plan. It seems like every week there's at least one meal that is a fish/seafood dish and another meal that's a vegetarian dish. There have been very few meals we've prepared that we just weren't in love with.

And y'all, Cayden eats most of it too! That's impressive. (Don't ask about Sawyer. Some days he'll eat what we cook, and some days he won't touch it. Sometimes the food has a lot of flavor, and that could be part of the problem... we don't push it, but definitely still offer it to him.)

I don't know if there are any deals going on to buy a membership still, but it's definitely worth the price either way. We will be renewing our membership when it expires for sure. And I'm actually enjoying cooking now. It's weird. I never thought I'd enjoy being in the kitchen, but I do! Maybe one day I'll actually get better at photographing food? Eh, probably not...


Ashley S said...

I have got to sign up for this! Your pictures look amazing!

Kwok Wai Wu said...

Very interesting post! I am really appreciated your afford! Thanks for your sharing! I love your blog very much. I am sure I will tell all of my friend to follow your blog!

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Jennifer Burns said...

Saw one of your aforementioned pics on Instagram a little while ago and signed up myself! So, thanks for the tip - we have really enjoyed it too! Menu planning takes me for.e.ver. This saves me so much time. And that's one of the reasons I love it. The meals have been pretty tasty too. :)

becca @ sewLOVED said...

Jen, I'm so glad you checked it out! We've really been enjoying it. And yes! Not having to menu plan for myself anymore? Best thing ever.

becca @ sewLOVED said...

Ashley, you totally have to! Most meals cook for 4 people; with two littles, we always have at least one leftover lunch. You and B could both have leftovers during the week!

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