November 16, 2015

fall hiking, 2015.


It seems like it's every time of the year that we get the itch to take the boys hiking, and this year has been no different. Except that we went twice in one week. And have plans to go again next week when everyone is on Thanksgiving break. You see, our boys, like most boys, have a ton of energy. And hiking gives them a place to release that energy. And we all have fun. So it's really just a win all around.

We ventured out to Moss Rock this past weekend for the first time. And we're wondering why we've never been out there before. The trails offer enough of a challenge that it wears most of us out, but not too much of a challenge that Jeremy or I can't carry Graham without completely exhausting ourselves. And it's free. That's an important one.

Moss Rock offered waterfalls and rock climbing. And caves. For kiddos with big imaginations, this was the jackpot of hiking trails for us. I'm already looking forward to getting back out there and discovering the other trails we didn't get a chance to take.

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