October 23, 2009

a letter

my dearest cayden...

i wanted to write you a little letter here just to tell you how much joy you've brought into mine and daddy's life. while you were in my belly, i thought i knew and understood how blessed we were with the opportunity of having a child. but having you in this outside world... it's just so hard to put into words how you make us feel.

you constantly amaze us. from the new sounds that you make, or the new expressions that you find. from finding your feet, to trying to put your feet in your mouth. from crying on your tummy, to realizing that you can flip over. from straining to sit up, to sitting up on your own. from trying oatmeal, to actually eating the oatmeal and opening your mouth for more when you see the spoon approaching... seriously, we just can't get over it.

every morning, when we walk in and turn on your light, seeing you floundering around in your crib brings us such elation that we sometimes have no idea what to do with it. and that tongue. oh my god! no one has a cuter tongue and manages to stick it out in the cutest of ways.

and at night, when we give you that last bottle... your eyes get so heavy. and we go to burp you and you just quietly fall asleep on our shoulders. and the weight of your body as you fall asleep... it's just so precious.

all of this is to say, sweet cayden, that mommy and daddy love you so very much. and are so very blessed to have you in our lives. i don't think a day will go by that we aren't amazed and confounded at what we've created. and we thank god for it every day.

i could eat you to pieces, i love you so...


Melissa said...

Becca that is so sweet. I feel the same way about all four of my kids. Enjoy every moment because before you know it, you will turn around and he won't be a baby anymore.

Anonymous said...

AND I'm crying...


Through Rose Colored Glasses said...

Rebecca! You are a wonderful mom! So sweet!

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