October 11, 2009

race for the cure

despite not having worked out in, oh, about a year (me; thankfully jeremy's been working out some), jeremy and i decided to participate in this year's susan g. komen's race for the cure. it's a 5k run that takes place in downtown birmingham that supports breast cancer.

even though i couldn't do much running (and honestly, i did more than i thought i'd be able to), jeremy and i finished in under an hour. but the amount of people there supporting this great cause was astounding. and the amount of people there just to cheer everyone participating was encouraging and uplifting. several times we would pass corners where there were large groups of "cheerleaders." and they really were that... seriously, almost brought tears to my eyes several times.

overall, i was really proud of myself. i pushed more than i probably should have (and as a result, could barely walk this morning!). i was glad we were there though. and very glad to have participated. the cool part? i'm now super-motivated to start exercising again. our good friend jodi may have even convinced us to drive to pensacola to participate in another 5k in december. no worries, i plan on training for that one :)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Aw, yeah. We heard some of the "cheerleaders"...it was amazing!! Glad you used the photo of you and Jeremy "in action"! I love that one! So proud of you all 3 of you for doing that. I hope to one day be able to do it as well. Jodi surely is motivation for me...oh one day...and I think to myself, why not now? I have a perfect neighborhood to train in...

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