October 15, 2009

warning: cuteness overload

a few weeks back, some good friends of ours were in town visiting (hi brad and kim!). unfortunately, i was experiencing my first episode of food poisoning, so i didn't get to go visit, but jeremy and cayden did.

brad and jeremy went to college together and then lived together forever (at least it seemed that way). anyway, brad and kim were blessed with their beautiful little girl, hannah, about three weeks before cayden came along. kim was able to take some great photos of cayden and hannah visiting together.

(seriously, if you can't stand uber-cute, you should stop reading this entry now!)

hey, hannah, there's something on your head:

it's right here. let me help you with it:

i think it's stuck:

oh well, i'll just pat your face and tell you how pretty you are:

listen dude. take your hand off my face, and leave my flower alone:

and then, here are a few of miss serious hannah, and mr. funnypants cayden. i'm thinking he'll be voted class clown before we know it.


Rachel said...

Seriously, way too cute! I think the people in my office think I'm crazy. I laughed really loud with the one of Cayden's tongue sticking out! Love it!

Unknown said...

The first one looks like he is yelling in her ear.

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