November 3, 2009


two words: stella mccartney
two more words: baby gap

seriously? i couldn't be any more excited about this. sure, the prices aren't super-friendly for pieces that i'll be replacing every few months, but who cares? this stuff is gorgeous. the band jacket for the boys is adorable. and the tulle skirt for the girls? i die. (i could possibly make something like that... maybe.)

either way, i think cayden will have at least one piece from this collection. oh, and i can't help but notice the cute redheads they've used in the photos. love them.


Through Rose Colored Glasses said...

SO CUTE! Cayden, that little model in Stella!

Anonymous said...

I know!! I saw it! I was just thinking this morning (birthday shopping for my niece) how CHIC kids clothes are!!

I was so impressed I almost made a post about it!!

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