November 5, 2009

psa: keep your cars locked

hey guys, i found this blog quite some time ago. unfortunately, it was one of those blogs i found because of a horrible incident that happened to a beautiful family. (on the upside? sheye is a wonderful photographer and i've found lots of inspiration looking at how she shoots everything.)

you can read her blog to get the full story, but the summary of it is that her beautiful daughter, ava, went out to their car on a warm summer day, closed the door and couldn't get back out. the heat inside the car was too much for their three year old daughter, and they lost her shortly thereafter. it's a heartbreaking story, but one that i feel very drawn to.

so please, anyone with small children who think it might be fun to go play in their cars, please take a look at ava's story and ava's rules. and spread it around so that everyone can be aware...

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