April 3, 2013

Easter 2013


Sorry (not sorry) for the photo overload. Easter just offers up so many fun photo options. Our Easter activities kicked off on Thursday night with a glow-in-the-dark egg hunt. I wish I had photos to share of that, or even better, video, but I don't. Trying to photograph five littles running around in the dark and not using flash is kind of pointless. But I can tell you that all of them had a great time, and I highly suggest you add a night-time Easter egg hunt to your activities next year! (Buy glow sticks and stuff them in eggs. I have a feeling someone will ask!)

Jeremy and I had to work on Good Friday, so the boys went to Nana's house. They got to dye eggs and then brought them home. I really didn't know what to do with them so I just decorated with them a little around the house. Cayden couldn't quite grasp why he couldn't play with them and why they just had to sit around. I just couldn't imagine the mess that might have been made with them playing with real eggs. Or the fact that one would most likely have gotten lost somewhere along the way. Ugh, that smell would be awful. & gross.

We went to church on Saturday morning for a big Easter egg hunt. Since the boys are two years apart, they actually hunted in two separate places. I had the camera with Sawyer and Jeremy had the video camera with Cayden (thus no hunting photos of Cayden – except for one where I stood on a bench in Sawyer's playground hunt to find Cayden on his playground). The boys found some good stuff and everyone had a great time inside with all the activities that were going on. It helped that all of Cayden and Sawyer's buddies were there hunting with them.

The Easter bunny made a stop at our house sometime Saturday night. Cayden was still very concerned about the bunny being gone before we went to look for his basket. (I can't say that I blame him. Most of the Easter bunnies around are quite frightening.) The boys both hunted their eggs to find their baskets. The Easter bunny heard that "something they want, something they need, something to wear & something to read" would be a good way to do baskets this year. It kept things simple and the boys weren't overwhelmed with too much stuff. Good job Easter bunny!

And then we attempted some family photos at my parents house during lunch. They went about as well as they could with two wild boys. I'll cherish every photo we get like this though – regardless of who is looking at the camera or not!

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